Untitled: 2/28/2011, 6:46 PM.

You have bruised me like a rag doll with loose limbs and a mechanical mouth. Everything is mechanical. I feel the warmth in spurts, but then I am gone. Not myself. Not the "old me." Something new and animalistic and raw. We tangle lips and tongue and heat, your scent filling me with electric red.

- As I am writing this, I don't feel like I am truly in my body suit.
Did you take my soul and bury it inside your chest just in case?

I wanted to watch the sky with you but you said it was depressing. The blue matched my eyes and the pink my insides. Do they depress you too? An angry boy locking himself away from the rest of us, his gaze spelling out rage and sorrow. Yet he loves like no other. Why is that?