Sadness Is

The sullen faces and broken souls,
Who work in the gold and diamond mines,
Where nobody else ever goes.
Paying parking tickets and some fines.

Depression, death, sadness, and truth.
Hysterical feelings along with this,
The yanking of one's last baby tooth.
Can it be all healed by a kiss?

The loss of family in one's heart,
The sobbing, bawling, and tears,
The way we cry after we start,
The way how most people face their fears...

A failure in class, as we hope.
The laughing stock, the class clown.
The suicide, of that dope,
Only the body is left to be found...

Now, the most extreme cases,
Are here as an example.
This is what sadness faces,
And the reasons are most ample...
♠ ♠ ♠
A poem on sadness.