
I'd give up the world if you'd ask me
I wanna stay forever like this
What we have is perfection
I'm lost in a state of bliss
It's a new kind of air that is filling these lungs
Kind of air I've never breathed before
A feeling I've never felt before
How about we just tune out the rest of world tonight?
Their crippling words don't really mean anything anymore
I'm like a puppet on strings but I don't really care
All I know is I love it here
This is where I'm supposed to be
These are the feelings worth feeling
This is an ocean worth drowning in
They say every rose has its thorns
Honey,for you,I'll bleed
Don't ever let me go
Don't ever let this moment go
Don't ever let us go
Just because of contagious ignorance
Because what we have right here is perfection
And I know with all my heart you know it's true
Because I also know with all my heart that you love me too
You're perfection to me.
Simply put..I love you..