When you used to be my mother...


You were once so beautiful to me. A flawless face. No cracks, no wrinkles; every word you said was gospel. Time and, I guess stress, warped and twisted your immaculate facade.

I see now, it was only a mask. A mask that has fallen to reveal a face run deep with worry, and anger, and disappointment in me; in everyone around you. A face that stares stone cold and judges. The face i once thought i could trust.

That face has fallen away... to wide-eyed vacancy and oblivious ignorance. To distrust, and mistrust, and words that hit harder than fists to undeaf ears.

Two tattered hearts that you do not understand.
Won't you open your eyes to see what is happening?
No, open your heart and let others see what lies inside.

Lost love,
Your daughter.