No More Crying.

These tears keep on falling,
I can’t stop them,
Not this time.

I take hold of your hand,
You pull away,
I stare and look down.

I try to kiss you,
You turn your head and move away,
A tear falls and my heart cracks.

I say I love you,
You nod your head and look away,
I fall to the floor and feel numb all over.

You flirt with her,
While your still with me,
I fall and lose my breath.

My heart gets slower,
My embraces loses on you,
My eyes fall and search for another.

I have another,
He is there,
And since he is you try to come back.

It’s too late,
My eyes are done for looking and crying over you,
I don’t need you,
Never have nor will.

Good bye lost love,
You were good for once upon a time,
I guess all stories don’t have happy endings.