Dear People of the World

Dear people of the world
I hear your cries, I see your tears, I feel your pain
I ache, I break, I don't know how much more I can take
I want so badly to help you, but alas I don't know how.
So please, stop hurting. Please, please. I need to heal
I need to rest. I need to feel the beating of my own heart,
without it being out beat by all the rest.

Dear people of the world
I fear for you and I feel for you, but I don't know what to do for you.
My heart splinters, cracks, shatters. My eyes glisten, flood, overflow.
I'm lost in this world, with too many causes to put into order
inside of this chaos you call my brain, and the madness you call my heart.
My dreams are nightmares of tortured, dying souls
My lids veil teardrops from watching the news onscreen
murder, rape, bullies, abuse, pain
I don't know how to make you stop,
and some of you tell me
that I'm a fool
if I ever let myself think I can.

Dear people of the world,
your suffering doesn't go unheard
you're not drowned out by your own poisonous words
but listen to yourselves, open your ears
but look at yourselves, open your eyes
the t.v. screen doesn't only show who's doing who on jersey shore
the radio doesn't only play music about sex, drugs, and partying
and the laughs that bellow from your best friend throat
are sometimes accompanied with whispered cries.

Dear people of the world,
please open your hearts
you're killing me with your inability to change who you think you are.