A Song Unspoken

There's music written on my heart
I knew you could read it from the start
You heard it fill the air
Ever so loud and clear
Something never spoken
Now out in the open

A song unspoken
Is what you sing to me
Once was hidden
Only you can see
Once was broken
My song unspoken

You serenade me sweetly
With this song, almost secretly
A masterpiece never played before
Would make anyone else's fingers sore
The melody, rhythm, and the beat
You've put this track on repeat

A song unspken
Is what you sing to me
Once was hidden
Only you can see
Once was broken
My song unspoken

You whisper my song
You hold me all night long
Your heartbeat matches my own
Now that we're not alone
The pople will know

A song unspoken
Is what you sing to me
Once was hidden
Only you can see
Once was broken
My song unspoken

Although its the last time we need it
It will be played as seems fit
I say "I do.", as do you
Now one joined from two
The notes intertwine
Line after line

A song unspoken
Is what we sing
Once was lost
But now always seen
Now a duet
Our song