This Is Halloween

No one is who they say they are
No is who they say they aren't either
They all have masks on
All year long
Today's the day they really shine

Zombies coming to eat your brains
This is Halloween!
Vampires coming to drink your soul
This is Halloween!
We're all catchin' Lycanthropy
Come and howl to the moon with me!

Why does everyone hide their face?
When they shine through the mask anyways?
Show me your face
Eww, what the hell?
Cover it back up!

Angels flying by
This is Halloween!
Demons dining on your heart
This is Halloween!
Be the beast to my harlot
C'mon and mess with me!

Don't bother with the masks
They don't hide who you really are
They're just an excuse
To act like an asshole
Oh wait, you weren't acting?
Oh well.

Faeries changing night to day
This is Halloween!
The devil's hot on your trail
This is Halloween!
I must be a witch
Coz I got you under my spell!