
I've only just met you
But I've fallen so far for you
I don't know what else to say
But 'head over heels'
Just doen't seem to fit

Butterflies flutter in my stomach
When I think of you
When I'm standing next to you
They drive me mad
Tell me to say "I love you"

You may be trying to figure out
What's wrong with me?
Nothing's wrong
It just feels like I've known you
For so damn long

They've been set loose within me
Ever since you first talked to me
Butterflies just don't lie
Becoz they fly
Into my heart
And say "I love you"

When I'm with you
My life is a song
That only you know how to play
You just make everything
Melt away
And its just us, again

They've taken over
I just can't hide it
Coz butterflies still fly in me
All around my heart
And now, I miss you

I keep listening
To those gooey love songs
They just make me think of you
And one more thing
They set them free, in me

I'm losing my mind
Over you
Coz every second I ain't with you
My heart aches for you
The butterflies say:
"I love you."

"I love you, too."
Will you let
Our butterflies
Fly freely?
In you?
In me?