Three Plates

Three plates on the table
To feed the hungry lords,
Who won their place of power
Through the bloodying of swords.

A gold plate for the master,
And silver for the wife.
A plate of copper for the jealous son,
As he ends his father's life...

He holds his dagger high aloft,
And brings it down with force.
The wife lets loose a piercing scream,
And sets upon a fleeing course.

He turns around and sees her,
And he lobs the dagger forth.
And as he shouts in triumph,
A horn sounds from the north.

The rebellious blades have risen.
The prince has had his way...
Yet he awakens in his chambers,
And he sees the light of day...
♠ ♠ ♠
Not one of my better works, but an interesting story, i think...