The Aria of Love

The pale moonlight reflects off her face as I grasp her hand
Waves glimmer in the distance as we dance upon the sand
Leaving our footprints carved in the grain of the ocean
Our bodies moving together in a singular motion

Soft soliloquies enter softly into our hearts
Like a kiss from the moon, allow this fluttering to part
And etch upon our hearts a new chapter of living
As we turn the page of our previous deceiving

In the distance, flurries of songbirds soar elegantly
Across the benevolent above, which floats along silently
And gives a home to the heavens and the stars
Whilst wiping away the moon's scars

I see the green waves washing in her eyes
The confines of normal love we shall defy
Hand in hand, we shall cross this cage
And soon, we shall turn another page

Upon the case of my heart, a line is etched
Like another picture an artist has sketched
It reads: Of love and of joy, another world lies,
But, of utter silence, then this love dies

I can see her dancing like the defiant wind
As together we brave life's unconscious whirlwind
I can see the ocean smiling upon the gleaming horizon
As it watches our unification with its watery brethren

Sending to us, the blessing of the waves
And upon our eyes, its word it engraves
Life without love, is life without reason
Yet, life is a melody created within heaven

Made to be sung by those who shall never forget
But this song is exceptional, for it can be sung in a duet
An aria of joy, perfected by the voices of two lovers
A pair who happily provide each other with their cover

Their song shall reach the sky
And then they can look above
Singing to the mutual emotion they call love
To see where the songbirds lie

Then perhaps they too can reach a wing
So across the glorious sky they can sing
All while finding others to sing with them
So that they can continue to nurture love's ever-growing stem

Perhaps then, love can partake a journey around the world
And infect the hearts of all, no matter how young or old
At its center, the voices of two who have fallen in love
And joined together, to sing bravely to the blue skies above.