Hey Dad

Hey Dad,
I'm writing you not just to tell you that I still hate you,
just to ask how you've been, and how things fell apart.
Are you happy?
Do you miss the little girl you made a vow to,
as your daughter on your wedding day?
I was too young to recall what the vow was,
but I'm pretty sure you've broken it by now.

I remember the days when you were a hero in my eyes,
now those are just amongst lost memories of mine.
You were supposed to be my dad,
not just another stupid father figure to walk out on me.
But sometimes, I do forget,
and this time I'll admit that I miss you.

Its been hard without you in my life, not to mention easier,
knowing I don't have someone walking in and out of my life anymore;
which hurts to admit.
Sure, I'm not your own flesh and blood,
so I can see why you don't care about me.
The moment you were kicked out of our house,
I felt distant from you, and you won't ever know.
I hope you feel the pain I've been feeling for years.

Every time you yelled at me, shoved me away, neglected;
I hated you for that.
So for once I stood up for myself and screamed at you,
and that's why you haven't talked to me since?
Is that why you don't ever think to call,
is that why you don't ask about me?
That's why you deny that I was, ever your daughter?
You'd be glad to know that you are now, just a name without a face.

Hey you,
I'm just writing you to tell you, I'm still alive.