
What can you do
to save me from myself?
To heal these scars
I've yet to make?
And the ones faded,
and the ones worn,
the ones that remain
underneath my skin,
hidden in my heart
you'll never see them,
I'll never show you
you would never understand,
and never need to know
about the struggles I face,
or my weakened strength
from trying to fight
You can't save me,
you can't do anything
just sit back and stare
at the emptiness
that I've become
or turn and walk away
if seeing me like this
is too much to take
just don't say you care
because I know in the end
you'll be nothing but a memory,
of something I could never have
but someone I've always wanted
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again, I wrote this a few months ago. No personal experience or reference inspired this. Just an instrumental sad song, that i can't remember now...