
What is hope,
but something
to hold on to?
A flickering flame
when almost all the
ashes have gone out

Something that helps you live
when the world is hopeless
and people are disappointing

What is hope when it's gone?
but a realization that
trials will always occur,
pain is inevitable,
good does not
always conquer evil,
and love can die

Because people are cold,
hearts are easily deceived
minds can be twisted,
until insanity has taken hold

The world is cruel
and there is little to be done
about any of it
except pray for something
that will heal everything

Because hope is not
the thing with feathers
that chirps and sings
for no reason,
except that it can escape
before the winter comes
and is not able to fly away

Hope is the flower,
that grows through
the harshest winter
and brisk winds
after the snow has
covered and buried it
it grows strong,
into a world
not ready for it
being a light
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote the beginning of this on the bus a few weeks ago then came home and finished it.