A Dance with a Ghost

My feet glide and intertwine with my partners,

The room meltingaway as we dance.

Her long hair flowing like a waterfall.

We laughed and talked as if it was an everyday thing.

But our time is almost up.

I cannot blink,

If I do then she'll be gone.

The songs nearing its end and the moons almost set.

Oh how I wish I could freeze time,

So our time would never end.

The sun begins to shine through the window,

The bright light causes me to blink.

As my eyes open, she's gone.

I ask if anybodys there, even though I know the answer.

I sigh as I remember what fun we were having.

This is what a Dance with a Ghost is like
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my grandma just dued recently and it's taken a big toll on me. I was jsut on a trip and I was listening to the song "Flowers For A Ghost" by Thriving ivory and I was getting upset so I decided to write a poem