We'll be with the stars

Eyes as deep and blue as the sea
Heart as dark as the eyes can see
I sometimes wonder what lured me to here
But then I look at those eyes and I see that fear
You know I won't hurt you so don't run away
I know you've been broken but the price can be paid
How much is your heart? I want to know
Because I'll just give you mine, and then we can go.
You're scared that we'll fail, and that this will end.
But you see we're special because the rules can be bent.
I'll make you a promise to look at the sky
We'll be up there happy never ever asking why
Our love will be like the planets alone and far.
And no one will touch us since we'll be with the stars.
♠ ♠ ♠
it was for a school assignment and I liked it. hope you enjoyed :P