My Own Black Hole.

Forgotten in a world of dreams
wanting you to see the real me
hurt so bad I can't be fixed
even with the love you give

All the fear in my eyes
burn like the flames your soul gives off

Like a demon from the under ground
with big black wings that soar above
that hopes to protect but rather scares
the hopeless romantics in their bed

I truely know what it feels
like to see the life you have
leave your site
as if a fly just flew away
or swatted with a big old hand
that has no feelings to others emotions
that I feel

I see the meaning of your love
that thinks the right but does the wrong
and leaves me sleeping in a world of dreams
forgotten in some other state
lost in my own despair

Forever gone and always deceased.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel the poem speeks for itself and I hope you can all understand the feeling I had when I wrote it.