The Concert

If anyone else had spoken of the event
Of which my heart soars and vents
If anyone else had spoken those words
They’d be meaningless
Unheard and forgotten

But when I read it from a letter
From the one and only special fellow
It makes the situation great at heart

To write in his own words the tall tale
Of a dream once thought long ago
To hope one day to play on that stage
The same stage were his idols glowed

With confidence and determination
As he spoke those grand words
They echo in his memories
As the dream becomes alive

To feel the amazing emotion grow inside
When you realize it is more than just a Concert
But the last one of many
In a special place
In their hearts
And it their minds

The epic night is to come
When a thousand screaming fans
Indulge in the excitement and the chaos
Those that made the dream come true

As I read those very words
The love in my heart began to burst
Crazy plots emerged in my mind
Possibilities ranged far and wide
Deep within my soul
I knew I had to go

Despair is not the word to explain