I Forgot to Say Goodbye

The one thing i regret,
is never saying good bye.
I had my chances,
to set everything in stone
to know my place,
but now, i blew it.

I didn't say good bye.
I wanted to,
but couldn't find the words.
couldn't find the courage.

Im usually the strong one,
at least thats what everyone says,
but i don't believe them.
Because i wasn't strong enough
to say good bye.

Two words, two simple words
was all it took, but i guess,
it asked too much because
i couldn't deliver.

I watched you, from a distance,
watched you leave not knowing how long,
it would be till i saw you again.

I guess i still wont know.
Because i lost my chance,
and i never said good bye.

Good Bye my love,
don't forget me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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