
Get up and get ready.
You have your black skinny jeans on and your your rocking your converse and you got your hair all up and done and your jacket is on and your music is all the way up.
You go out, on a walk, dont know where your going or why.
Its a hundred degrees outside and everyone is staring at you as you stroll by.
You dont care, just keep walking.
You look at your stomach and call yourself fat and you look at your legs and laugh in fear that they are too big you yell in your head think positive, think positive.
Your under a hundred pounds walking around saying your fat.
You dont eat and you dont sleep.
Face it your a mess.
Think positive, think positive.
Lots of people like you and your falling for someone out of your league, your dating someone out of your league.
He's popular, he has the looks, the clothes and the style you crave. He isnt perfect, but he pretty damn close.
He has girls breathing down his neck twenty four seven, and you learn to look past it.
He has the life compaired to you, he has a phone, he has a mother, he has a complete family and he gets attention.
You have a incomplete family and your family thats left ignors you, you dont mind but attention is good every once in a while.
Your chewing your gum while the hot summery air is hitting your face and burning it, you font care.
Wondering off into your thoughts walking in the burning heat, going somewhere, not even thinking about it.
Think positive think positive.
You want to go somewhere but your stuck at home or walking in the heat.
Whatever goes for you.
He has the life, he has your heart, He has you.
You have to incomplete life, his heart, and you have him.
Love yourself for who you are, wheather your the boy or the girl.
Your perfect and beautiful in your own kind of way.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is all true about me.
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