
We've gotten stale
Time to bail
Leavin' you
Through with you

I think we've gotton stale
Time to bail
No faith in you
Leavin' you

Through with you
Taken me so far away with those spindly lies
Spewing from your mouth
Left those white lies so long ago

Think we're gettin' stale
Time to bail
Thought you had me in your web
But I can see through your black lies

Time to bail
Baby, we've gotten stale
I can't wait to see
Your face as I walk away

My back to your lyin face
You were such a fuckin' waste
Bitch we've gotten stale
It's my time to bail

Cut away your black web
Your just a pathetic waste
I cant get away with enough haste
Bitch we've gotten stale
♠ ♠ ♠
So yes. This is one of my less rage filled pieces... Well until the end. It's sort of played like that of Sum 41's Heart Attack. Please don't try to steal this either, please? That's just fuckin' low and pathetic.