Back from the dentist. (poem.)

I can't even pronounce the right words,

without giving my tongue a little strain,

no way to express my feelings, problems and my pain,

I'm an artist,

I feel things differently than you.

at the moment, I'm an electric blue.

Zapping and flying through the air,

wild, all over the place, as if I haven't brushed my hair,

I can't sing for six months, and for someone like you, you couldn't even care.

but when it's the core to your life,

the reason you breath and move forward,

things like this leave you crying in a corner.
♠ ♠ ♠
:/ Just got a spacer, which has given me a serious lisp and I can't talk at all. I've had it for a few days, and I can't sing in the least. I just wanna rip my hair out.