Away From You

I feel so alone.
Like I'm trying to scream but nothing comes out.
I'm trying to shout but no words escapes from my mouth.
I want someone to hear my cries and rescue me from this hell.
But that's a secret I will never tell.
I don't want them to know what's inside.
Because of all this pain that lies...
Inside my soul.
That never dies.
The agony breaks my heart.
The sadness tears me apart.
I feel helpless without you.
What do I do?
You are the only one that can get me through.
I love you.
I can't lose you.
Because I feel broken with out you.
Away from you.
You are a part of me.
We are no longer two.
It's not just me and you.
It's us.
We are one.
I feel torn,away from you.
I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
My mom is in the hospital and I miss her so much.Mom,I need you.I love you so much.Hope you feel better.Get well soon,mommy:) <3