Wingless Angel

I jump up in the air, trying to fly again.
My white wings stretch out behind me,
mangled and broken.
I pump them up and down, but I can't get off the ground.
The sky looks so inviting and so free.
I clench my fists as I look at my feet
firmly pressed down on the earth.
A few tears fall as i pity myself.
An angel who can no longer fly, how sad.
I look back toward heaven and scream.

Off a building I jump this time,
I try to put out my wings and catch the air
but hot pain shoots threw my body.
I fold my wings back in and plumet to the ground.
A thundering crack is the sound I make on impact.
I stand to find myself in a crater.
Terror and violence has broken out around my hole.
Now I have caused more pain.
More tears fall as I dust myself off.

Now I stand on top of a sky scraper,
just so i can be close to the clouds.
I breathe in the air I once flew in.
My mangled and broken wings had fallen off,
and I lost my halo somewhere along this path.
But as long as I can see heaven and the sky
I'll live because I am alive.
Even without my wings and halo I can still live,
for I am an angel at heart, filled with light.
So let this world know, they have a wingless angel
watching over their pittiful lives.