From The Heart

Cold glass under my fingertips,
I wonder,
If in this world,
Is anyone truly able to love?
To truly be able to hold a single person in their heart,
To make one person their only one forever and always,
People marry,
People say I love you,
People date,
But there are those instances,
Where none of that matters,
When that person you thought you loved,
Takes that love away like it never mattered,
It did matter though,
It mattered to me,
That one man,
How he made me smile,
But he seemed to caring,
He seemed to easy to fall in love with,
He would always be too sweet,
So when his friend mentioned there was another girl,
I had no surprise,
I just fell off that cliff,
The cliff of love,
It tore me in two,
I guess I should’ve expected it,
I should’ve known,
Known there was someone else,
Someone that made you happier,
I just had to take another go,
At the wheel of love,
Guys and their love tactics,
They like their hearts,
The hearts that we have gave them…
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhh... yea... its all true...