Time to escape

The dark red blood
Tickles it way down your arm
This is the time for self harm
Its like a drug
It gets you high
Addiction because you need to feel it again
feel the sharp safety pin
against your skin
The sharp edges
slide and cut
It starts as a drop
Then a line
A few more
Now it's really flowing
You do it to feel real pain, sadness, regret
just let it all out and go with the blood
Leaving your arm
Drip by drip
Write ugly
I just wanna die
With cuts across your wrist
Shit write it on the wall in blood
just relive yourself
Find a real reason to cry
Escape this Hell
Where we hate and love
And so many more emotions
just let it go
Let it slip away
Way out of reach
No going back now
You are addicted to this way to escape
Maybe next time you will really do it.