The Changes in Life

Life keeps on changing, everyday and everynight.
It makes me see things that are usually so out of sight.
I can't keep up with the pace of the world,
it drags me by the shirt with my feet trailing behind.

Sometimes I have to remind it, I'm just a little girl.
But it just laughs in my face with a sound that makes me want to hurl.
It tells me its time to grow up now, or else I never will,
Cause life keeps on changing without any recognition
And when your times up, it's ready to kill.

Times keeps on ticking, every second hand racing.
I keep my mind clear so I won't go all crazy.
But how can I even think when all my thoughts are erasing?
Becoming a shell isn't quite easy.

I like to think I'm fine and sane, that all my thoughts aren't deranged.
But who am I kidding here? All I can think of is you, my dear.
Your chasing me to the brink of insanity, which I don't seem to fear.
How can you not even care, all you do is just stand there.
Did you ever really care? Or did that change too?
♠ ♠ ♠
I came up with this out of nowhere ... hope you like it (: