Liar, Liar

We had just barely met
And already,
You were making my heart beat faster
With every word you said
By the third week,
You were admitting feelings
That I wish you never had
Making me fall head over heels
You already had a love
But you continued to toy with me
To play games
Until I broke
I wasn’t going to be your toy anymore
So you left your love
And came to me
Claiming me
Making me promise to forever stay yours
But you couldn’t even keep that promise yourself
Nor the one you made to me
You left me
Without a word
And it’s been months
Without a word
And I wonder how you’ve been
With your new love
Who turned out to be your old
Maybe you won’t do to her
What you did to me
And ruin us both with lies
♠ ♠ ♠
This is about someone I really want to hate, but I can't bring myself to :/ so I had a lot of anger towards this person and thus this was written.