Pssssssh! True Love?

You told me you loved me
Yeah right
I’d be a total fool to believe that
Love does not exist
Not in the form you believe it does
When you say you love me,
You mean,
I want to be with you forever
I will never leave you
I will never hurt you
“I love you”
It’s a lie
And I’m not falling for it
You may not be hurting me now
But you will in the future
You may be with me now
But you’ll get bored with me
And you’ll be long gone
It may not be guaranteed
But what’s to say it won’t happen?
Your everlasting words?
“I love you”?
I’m not falling for it
So don’t expect the words returned
This will last while it lasts
But “I love you” will never leave my lips.