Words Lost Among Identity

You were in the hospital

for what seemed like an eternity

you were in a coma

I was beside you for a week

crying into your hand

and balling into your sheets

I couldn't eat

I couldn't sleep

Please tell me you can hear me

is darkness all you see

remember all those memories

special moments

you and me

please tell me you can hear me

my voice penetrates your dreams

after a week the doctors told me

there's a chance you won't wake up

I began to scream

"help her

I can't take it if she dies

please she has to be here

she's all that's left in my life"

so based on the concept

I was a danger to myself

they took me away

and locked me up

for a year and a couple months

I had a roommate who screamed

and cried out in pain during her sleep

her words were

"get back please don't hurt me

no stop

don't fucking touch me



save me"

so I took her hand and whispered

small happy stories in her ear night after night

as she begged and begged

eventually my voice reached her head

until she began having better dreams

Please tell me you can hear me

is darkness all you see

remember all those memories

special moments

you and me

please tell me you can hear me

my voice penetrates your dreams

Now I was released and left

with my new best friend

found you were awake

and I cried

found you were awake

and I cried

all the doctors told you

there was a boy

sat by your bed crying

"please tell me you can hear me"

he got locked away they said

now your abusive boyfriend

grabbed this chance

sent to jail the night

I was sent away

they never told you the boy

had went insane

and for repayment for

the boy beside your bed

he asked you for things you

would have killed him had he not said

he was the boy

beside your bed

he said please do this for me

I need you to do this for me

Now you're bearing his children

how lovely

a couple months in now

while I was locked away

you gave him everything

night after night

you lay in bed screaming

"why did it have to be him?

did it have to be him?"

And while walking down the street

you heard me

"Please tell me you can hear me

is darkness all you see

remember all those memories

special moments

you and me

please tell me you can hear me

my voice penetrates your dreams

I sung to you baby

as you slept a never ending sleep

now I wish I hadn't

I caused you hell with my pleading

in the end you never knew

it was me

a simple lie has killed me

my words were lost among identity

I wish for death please kill me

I wish for death

please kill me--"