why did you have to go so soon?

Gone so soon.
Taken from your lives, from horrible unknown disease.
I wish so badly that I could have my babies back.
I miss you more than words could ever describe.
Maisy, you were eight, bella oh bella you had just turned one.
Little did we know that your first christmas would be your last.
Maisy, you were gone in a flash.
We took you in at four in the morning and lost you at two the next day.
I'll never forget the phone call telling us that the CPR wasn't working and those words my mom uttered will stick with me forever, "just let her go, we're holding back the inevitable."
Those words were some of the hardest words she ever had to say.
None of us wanted you gone, you were a family member. A second sister to me.
I think of you everyday and I wish I could just hold you one more time and tell you that I love you so much.
Seeing your body wrapped up in blankets cold as ice was something I never wanted to see.
But, I know someday I'll see you again and it'll be like old times.
Just please wait for me, I promise we'll meet again.
Bella, our little Bella Boo.
You were way to young to go, right fromt he start you were riddled with promblems.
But that didnt stop us from loving you and getting you every treatment to make sure you were okay.
But, one day something wasnt right.
My parents took you in and they came back without you, I thought they just left you overnight at the hospital.
I never thought my dad would be telling me that you were gone.
You were so young Bella.
You didn't deserve anything you went through.
You deserved to be a happy young puppy living out her life.
We miss you so much, especially my sister.
Your were her baby, and you meant a lot to her.
I just want to let both of you know, we will never forget you.
And., I wish we knew what happend to both of you, maybe it would calm me down.
But, it's too late now, you're gone and I cant do a thing about it.
I know someday we'll all meet again and be happy together,
I love you both so so much it hurts.
I try not to cry because I know you wouldn't want me too.
So, one last time I love you Maisy and Bella.
The times I had with both of you will be cherished for as long as I may live.
And that's a promise. (: <3
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This is really personal so if your going to be rude, dont comment. I cried while writing this enitre thing.