
It feels like it's a dream,
Everything is too unreal,
They smiles pasted on our faces,
Are fake as they could be.

The way you talk to me,
The way we just move on,
When the conversation gets uncomfortable.

Voices that were a careless whisper,
Thoughts that were filled with love,
Are now just a disguise,
To stop people from talking about us.

Things that we used to share,
Like what went wrong the other day,
Now you don't open up,
Thought of losing you makes me shiver with fear.

Tears that I thought were gone,
Now they have returned,
And I feel so wrong.

I don't know what happened,
I don't know what's going on.
I know that you try to protect me,
So I don't fall apart.
But all your doing baby,
Just makes you a fake.
Not caring about your intentions.
You're just a pretentious lover.
And now I'm falling apart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now I'm just using Mibba like a diary! Hah! I'm so pathetic. But hey. ENJOY!