What will come?

What will come,
In days to pass?
The bright, yellow sun,
The soft, green grass.

The moon that shines,
With such love,
The stars that enchant me,
From above.

A life that is full,
One that is bad,
Maybe it will be happy,
But maybe it will be sad.

A man of my dreams,
Who stole my heart,
Maybe he will leave me,
Maybe we'll never part.

A wedding,
A funeral,
Such life,
Such death,
This captures my essence,
My every breath.

A child; a boy,
Or maybe a girl,
With sweet dreams of vanilla,
As white as a pearl.

What will come,
In each day?
We will never know,
We will never say.
♠ ♠ ♠
The part describing the children's dreams - white symbolises innocence and youth and obviously vanilla is sweet hence sweet dreams. :) please comment and tell me what you think :)