I am the girl who

I am the girl who has given her heart freely and naively.
I am the girl who has had her heart broken and shattered.

I am the girl who has people running for advice and has always been the shoulder to cry on, never asking for the same in return.
I am the girl who has been backstabbed and betrayed by the people she trusted most.

I am the girl who has been approached by complete strangers and asked if she was a model.
I am the girl who has had people go behind her back spreading rumors of anorexia.

I am the girl who has laughed and smiled running with others girls after boys at recess scared to leave the herd.
I am the girl who has been exiled and shunned by girls she once called best friends.

I am the girl who has been spoiled and cosseted just so she'll stay out of their hair.
I am the girl who has been slowly dying from the verbal abuse, called a fuck-up, a bitch and useless by her own family.

I am the girl who has to hide her hurt and anger behind a mask so people don'tworry.
I am the girl who has to put on a smile and laugh with catty girls bitching behind the other's back.

I am the girl who has no one left to run to.