If you think

If you think I can,
I cant.
If you want me to,
I wont.
If I can,
I wont tell you.
Our bonds died out,
a long time ago.
If you think I'm fine,
I'm not.
If you know I'm mad,
then dont piss me off.
If you think I'll take it,
I wont.
The pain needs to end,
the hurt needs to stop.
Please dont do this,
I am begging.
If you think I wont,
I will.
It all seems pretty simple,
from all of my pain.
So now I beg, pleading to know,
do you really think I wont?
♠ ♠ ♠
I was kinda mad, sad & junk at my sissy. I tend to write better when mad :D