
I do not understand poems,
they are so complex.
Using big words,
is like making a hex.

Why use the word orb,
when you can simply use eye?
These structured phrases,
really make me want to die.

When describing space,
think of the stars,
and how long it would take
to get there by car.

When describing a sunset,
speak of the color,
for showing the patterns,
will only make things seem duller.

When describing the ocean,
do not show haste,
for drinking the water,
will be such a waste.

When describing the desert,
think of the sand,
and the poor camels
who walk to faraway land.

When describing a jungle,
just use the word green,
with vines all around,
it makes things serene.

When describing a farm,
just close your eyes and count to ten,
make sure to hold your breath,
and stay away from the animal pen.

When describing a graveyard,
tell how skeletons come out at night,
stay away from their tombstones,
or you'll be given quite a fright.

When describing yourself,
tell us the truth,
and make us believe
the story of your first lost tooth.

When describing a school,
think of the statistics,
taught by your teachers,
making you go ballistic.

When writing a poem,
watch your time,
for it is hard,
to make sure everything rhymes.