Uttered Words

Rage building inside, boiling to a point
Blood exceeding its normal temperature
Veins heighten and reach for the surface
Fingers locked as fists clench tight
Holding back now seems pathetic
Unleashing the ammo of hate now
A fury of temperamental ideals combust
Self expression is a must
Storming words attack with relentless anger

Defying all bonds of peace
Exploding due to an enraged attitude
Threats, words with intense destruction
Aimed towards the demise of another

I cannot take them back now
Uttering words to a superior
Words with the intent to crush
To demean and break with every square inch
Without care of hurt or pain
No hesitation or pause at all

Realization of what has happened
To identify and regret those blistering insults
Taking them back is impossible now
Body cooling and regressing to an even keel
Mind coming to a calm place

I cannot erase those hatred remarks
I can only wish for them to fade in time
If only I wasn’t so blind