Like corpses on the tide

like corpses on the tide

do you see the little ghost?

drifting through and endless mass

like a sea of floating souls

faces, bodies, drifting past

do you hear the little ghost?

invisible to all around

her screams are tearing out her throat

no one hears her make a sound

Like corpses on the tide

i feel you all drift away

i watch the world go by

still i stand here, i remain

do you feel the piercing gaze

coming from the little ghost

she sees right through your steel facade

and lays bare your ugly soul

she watches everything you do

and still she reaches out her hand

but all of you just look right through

the little ghost, alone she stands

like corpses on the tide

i feel you all drift away

i watch the world go by

still i stand here, i remain

in this ocean of lost souls

the little ghost is weeping

and the bodies float on by

silent, as if sleeping

at last the little ghost

sinks down into the womb

of the silent ocean

that is to be her tomb

and like corpses on the tide

i feel you drift away

i watch the world go by

and still i stand here, i remain

someday you'll be aware

that there was a little ghost

who was willing to be there

when you needed her the most

if you weren't so blind

if only you had known

when the hounds of hell were close behind

she could have saved your soul

and like corpses on the tide

she felt you drift away

she watched the world go by

and no longer she remains