Where We Belong

Sometimes words don't come into
the coming of nothing being there in front of me,
never want to be but just being,
free that's all ill ever be
knowing ill need to try.
Words don't fly out of my mouth
but drag slowly being pulled,
pulled into something but nothing at the same time,
trying of so hard to rhyme
not knowing if anything is going to be dead
oh what is going through my head nothing,
nothing but words coming from inside my head.
my deepest thoughts greatest wishes and desires,
flowing like a creek maybe even trying to seek
the truth hidden under lies that mask the past
knowing everything is going too fast but
wanting it to slow down
down down the rabbit hole
like Alice lost in her world of wonders
not knowing how to fly, fly past the moon
and visit the star,
perhaps wishing one day we will have flying cars
maybe wishing oh so hard on he bright morning star
that i will go so far, in like, like the maze love the game,
having no shame killing spirits crushing dreams
trying to redeem the hope lost crushed under a million weights
that becomes the light never seeing fright
but only the bright fear inside
never knowing our deepest wish is also
our most feared nightmare,
dancing around the fire
can we not find a kinder way to say what we feel,
to mean what we say
can we not find the way to OZ
to meet the wizard to find our way back home,
to where we belong.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments appreciated!