
I always smile on the rainy days, because I know the flowers will grow now.
And I always laugh even on the worst days because I know someone somewhere,
Will find their way back home

I always smile on the sad days, because there's always light even during the night.
There's a moon and thousands of stars to lead you through the dark.
There is always one person who can mend your broken heart.

I always jump the gun, but I'll never regret it now.
I jumped two feet into water I didn't know was cold
By the time I did it was starting to turn warm.

I dance on the edge and I know I’ll fall
But I’ll still smile
Because someone catches me
Every time I stumble
My mother always reminds me to remain humble

There are bandages for scratches
And ice for bruised knees
A smile I’ve got,
Since not even I, know me.