My Own Personal Brand of Insanity

I can't sleep
It's too hot
And I'm suffocating
Not just in the scalding air
But in my thoughts
My brain is on overdrive
As it overthinks everything
I can't get even a moment of peace
I can't find my music
It won't sing me to sleep
The silence leaves me with my thoughts
It's painful
They're screaming at me
Don't forget this
Do that
Over analyzing everything
Stressing over things
That eventually won't even matter
My brain never stops though
It's not just now
It's all the time
It's why I can't focus on two things at once
Sometimes not even on one thing
It's why I get knots in my stomach
To the point where I'm sick
It's the reason my heart races
And I just want to scream
It's this silent anguish deep inside
That no one seems to understand
It's a disorder
It's my own personal form of insanity
It's the reason for the panic attacks
Over nothing.
It's invisible to the untrained eye
It's anxiety
And this is your glimpse at it.
Heart racing,
Brain shouting,
Stomach aching
Invisible suffering
And now you know
My own personal brand of insanity
Anxiety Disorder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just one of those nights where it's keeping me awake, and I needed to let it all out there.