04/15/11 For those in our hearts and in our eyes

If I could I would give my life to bring back all those who died from their own hand or from people who are against gays, bi's, trans all kinds
I would use my wish for the lives of those who were lost and misses so much that it hurts to sleep at night and cry every tear down from our cheeks
I would stand up for those who doesn't have a friend in need, for one who doesn't have enough strength to overcome the bullying or harassment from people who are against us
For those who think we are different we all see the same sky, breath the same air, wish upon the same stars that guide our hearts in this life of ours
We are all the same as each and everyone of you and some people in the past were gay or bi or even a transexual yet you wouldn't have known it
Everyone shouldn't look at us differently just because we like the same sex or both sex's
Just know even though some people will throw you down on the ground we will be there for one another to lend a hand and a shoulder for you in spirit, hearts, minds and souls we will always be there
For those who will be naive tomorrow go right ahead to everyone you will just look plain stupid and a complete ass.
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This is just of one of my few wishes of life....