Poem #2

When I stare into your eyes I forget where I am for a bit
When we talked something deep in me lit
Something I thought would never spark again in forvever
Now I just don’t want to lose you at all ever
Everynight and everyday ill keep you in mind and in heart
No matter the distance or troubles we face ill still have that part
In my mind and heart that youll be there and so will I for you
No matter even if what happens between us nothing we say or do
Will ever change how we will feel for eachother
We will face our problems together one after another
Just promise me youll never hurt me like I was hurt in the past
Because honestly I want this ,us,we,ours to last
To last for an eternity in the heavens above
To fly in the limitless sky like two turtle doves
To swim in the endless sea like two angel fish
To move with the air current in its endless swish
To be in our hearts, minds, bodies and souls and to forget never
Because youll be in mine always and forever
♠ ♠ ♠
Part of me.