The House

I search for a house devoid of walls,
because all I need is a roof over my head.
I look down these infinite halls,
For the place where the living meet the dead.

I open the door to observe the sun,
Only to realize that its fading away.
I shut the blinds so I cannot see the man with the gun,
Trying to hunt me and these words I say.

I shut my closet door, bodies hidden deep inside,
To forget the past, so the present can look forward to the future.
I made my choices, and let things happen I could not decide,
But all in all, I wonder, of one thing I am not sure....

Why am I here?
♠ ♠ ♠
Quick fact (for all two of you that care): This is my only poem that's gone through a rewrite. All others were spur of the moment, or just written suddenly.