Childhood Friends

We were as close as
The fox and the hound
For eternity we were bound

I remember when your mom left
And you didn't want your dad to remarry
We always harassed poor Sherry

And then there was that mean dog around the block
He chased us and I fell and cut my knee
Then you kissed me

That's when I truly fell in love with you
You never made fun of me
Because even as a boy I was so girlie

In High school you got a boyfriend
And I was so heartbroken
I thought the flow of tears would never end

Then he betrayed you
And you cried so hard
I tried to scold him but I ended up looking like a retard

But you told me it was okay
Because you thought it was cute
And I decided to enlighten you of my hearts pursuit

Now 10 years later
I have something to say
And I hope you won't shy away

I love you
Will you...
Will you marry me?