Fixed Me Wrong

Find me in the rubble
Making castles of small stones
Houses for the homeless
Out of my broke home

Find me in the graveyard
Placing a rose over John Doe
The one that was reserved
For the one I love and know

Find me on the sidewalk
With a jacket that molds
Wrong on his small torso
My hands shaky and cold

But you found me in the corner
I was crying, scared, and choked
"You fixed them" you had whispered
"But in return you ended broke."

Placed me in a new scene
Different people, places, and sound
Then told me how to act
Dressed me up and stripped me down

Found me in the middle
Smile stenciled on large
Saying what you told me
Because you are in charge

You grinned at me in triumph
Then whispered "you belong"
But I can't bear to tell you
That you fixed me wrong