The Light of Hope

My feelings blind me
In a whirlpool of thoughts
My head is spinning like
The spinning wheel of doom
Then all of a sudden
Everything goes blank
So dark, so cold, so alone

Im in a room alone
Its dark, and cold, and so alone
I see a light, a bright light
I move my arms as if to
Reach for the light
But they’re held back
Held back by chains of my own lies

I shrink back, back toward the darkness
But a longing for light brings me back
Back toward this light
I see now the light is hope
Hope and the caring of others
Yet I still shrink back
Shrink as if the light burns
Burns my soul of memories

I hear something or someone calling
Calling me back
Back to the light
To the light of hope
Where I belong
♠ ♠ ♠
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