Fear is the Heart of Love

Is it not true we fear the one we love before we have them? Weren't you scared they didn't love back? And after you had them weren't you scared of lossing them? And once you lost them weren't you scared of ever loving again? Weren't you scared of love? Isn't it true when we love something or someone it gives us something to fear? At least one thing. But the thing is it would be worse to never love at all then to love and be hurt. Really we don't have that much heart ache. God has always loved us. He goes through much worse everyday. Well with people not believeing. People forsaking him. People who know him saying they never meet. It all hurts him so much. The list of things we do that hurts him can be summed up in one word,... sin.But you kow what? He loves us anyways and he always will. In a way fear is the heart of love. But God is love. And who or what do I have to fear if I fear God.