
The silence is deafening, it roars in my ears
The silence screams out all of my fears.

As I go farther beneath the sun, deeper down into the tunnel I feel blind
for the darkness is not kind.

Suddenly the tunnel comes to an end
"No!" I shout it can not be my knees begin to bend.

Desperate to find an escape I search like wild.
I then begin to cry like a small child.

I find a small opening hardly big enough,
it is time to face my fear and be tough.

Those who pursue me will be here quickly.
In spite of my fear i know it is not the time to be picky.

I slowly crawl through the hole,
my mind imagining me running from a troll.

I must continue through, I shall not let this be the end
I crawl faster, later to my bruises I shall tend.

"Finaly!" I cry as I see the light of day.
But for my crimes i know I must pay.

For know my story shall come to an end,
but we are sure to meet again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this poem for my English class and i hope you enjoy it!