Poem #5 (dedicated to the man I never met, my father)

as i stand here now before you all just read these words carefully
when i was born i had only one to care so motherly
as i grew up learned so many things from my mother
when i was alone and you weren't there, there she was to cover
fight after fight she was there to care and heal me back to normal
everything came with a high price but it was nice and formal
as i aged and passed those little years still breathing
the fact you weren't there in my heart it was still beating
tearing me up slowly inside
but you didn't care before my birth you threw my mom aside
left us with nothing to see as a father figure
but i stepped up older becoming a fixture
from the empty feeling you gave me
it let me know and learn not to believe everything i see
but to take in and learn from the mistakes like the ones you made
you being too cowardly too afraid
to man up and take care of a child
you weren't even worth of being exiled
your nothing to my mother or me
but the last words soon to this seems kind of blindly
but for some reason i still care regardless of what you do...
hope these words i speak mean something to you, dad...i love you